Blixer knives are the main element designed for high-quality chopping of products when using such equipment in a professional kitchen.
High-quality knives are made of stainless steel. But with intensive use, the blade becomes dull, and the knives themselves sometimes break. Additional spare parts will help quickly restore the functionality of your equipment.
To restore the functionality of the blixer, you need to choose the right new knife. Typically, its choice depends on the equipment model, since their shape differs slightly depending on the manufacturer.
The shape of the tines is also assessed - to get small pieces you will need tines with fine serrations. Larger teeth on the blades allow for denser cuts.
A figured knife must be made of high-quality material. Therefore, it is very important to consider products only from trusted manufacturers made of durable stainless steel, as this guarantees easy maintenance and long-term use of the device.
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