Pizza grids are special equipment for baking pizza, successfully used in pizzerias and restaurants where this delicious dish is on the menu. This product is a variation of the classic baking pan, but its shape is round, there are no sides, and the bottom is made in the form of a fine lattice.
The pizza cooking screen has a standard circle shape and a uniform design. This is a circle with a thin edge, inside of which there is a tiny aluminum mesh. Manufacturers do not deviate from the established design, but the dimensions of the equipment may be different. Therefore, the main difference between such a product is the diameter. The average circle is 30 cm, which corresponds to a standard pizza. But since restaurants today choose different recipes and are not averse to experimenting with shapes and sizes, manufacturers are trying to meet the requirements and offer a wide range of options.
The aluminum screen can also be rectangular so that you can prepare other pizza-type baking options with the possibility of even baking of the cakes on all sides due to the presence of a grid.
Our advantages are a good range and various options for pizza screens. We have collected various sizes of circles in the catalog so that customers can choose the one they want. Also among the strengths, clients note the prompt work of managers, an excellent selection of products from trusted manufacturers, and established supplies of new products.
Thanks to thoughtful work, our online store remains among the market leaders, and customers return to us again to be able to use exclusively high-quality equipment.
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