Payment Methods

For legal entities

Cashless payments Cashless payments

You can use one of the methods of non-cash payment for your order:

Prepayment Prepayment

You can pay for your order using an invoice issued immediately after placing your order. The order is formed and prepared for shipment immediately after funds are received in the bank account . After completing the ordering procedure, our manager will contact you at the specified phone number to agree on the shipment date.

Payment deferment Payment deferment

Payment with deferred payment is made if there is an agreement with the company and there are no receivables . Shipment is carried out on the next business day after placing the order or on a date agreed with the manager. After completing the ordering procedure, our manager will contact you at the specified phone number to agree on the shipment date.

To receive an order, you must have with you the seal of the organization that made the payment, or the original power of attorney with a blue seal.

Cash payment Cash payment

When placing a delivery, shipment is made either on the next business day after placing the order, or on the day of shipment, agreed upon with the manager by phone. Pickup is also possible if you pay at the showroom box office.

Corporate card Corporate card

When placing a delivery, shipment is made either on the next business day after placing the order, or on the day of shipment, agreed upon with the manager by phone. Pickup is also possible if you pay at the showroom box office.

For individuals

Cashless payments Cashless payments

Cash payment Cash payment