Terms, conditions and procedure for returning goods

I. Terms and conditions for returning goods of good quality:

1. General conditions for all categories of buyers

1.1. Goods of good quality cannot be returned:

  • foodstuffs;
  • a product that has individually defined properties, if the specified product can be used exclusively by the buyer purchasing it;
  • goods made entirely or partially from polymeric materials and in contact with food (dishes, cutlery and kitchen utensils, containers, packaging materials for storing and transporting food products, including disposable ones);
  • technically complex household goods with a warranty period of at least 1 year;
  • household chemical goods;
  • non-periodical publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and musical publications, sheet art publications, calendars, booklets, publications on technical media).

1.2. Return of goods of proper quality is possible if:

  • the product has not been used;
  • its presentation and consumer properties are preserved;
  • in the presence of a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the goods from the seller (sales or cash receipt, other documents confirming payment for the goods).

2. For individual buyers (consumers):

  • has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer;
  • has the right to refuse the goods after delivery of the goods within 7 (seven) days.

3. For buyers – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

The right to return goods of proper quality if the seller has violated one of the following terms of the contract:

  • did not transfer to the buyer accessories or documents related to the goods that he should have transferred in accordance with the law or the terms of the contract (Article 464 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • transferred to the buyer a smaller quantity of goods (clause 1 of Article 466 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • violated the terms of the agreement on the assortment of goods (Article 468 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • transferred incomplete goods to the buyer (Articles 479 and 480 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • transferred the goods without containers or packaging (Article 482 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • repeatedly violated the terms of delivery of goods (Article 523 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • on other grounds provided for by the terms of the concluded agreement.

The period for returning goods of proper quality on the above grounds is 5 (five) days from the date of delivery of the goods, unless a different period is established by the terms of the contracts concluded between the seller and the buyer.
The date of delivery of goods is the date specified in the universal transfer document.

II. Terms and conditions for returning goods of inadequate quality:

1. For individual buyers (consumers)

If defects are discovered in the purchased product, the following has the right to return the product and demand a refund of the money paid for the product:

  • within the expiration date established for the product;
  • during the warranty period established for the product;
  • within 15 days from the date of receipt of goods related to technically complex goods.

2. For buyers – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

If defects are detected in the purchased goods, the buyer has the right to return the goods and demand a refund of the money paid for the goods within the period established in the agreement between the buyer and seller.

III. Procedure for returning goods

1. For individual buyers

  • Within the period established for returning the goods (see on the website “Terms and conditions for returning goods”), return the goods to the seller at the address:Address Moscow, st. Godovikova, 9, building 31, floor 4.
  • On the day of returning the goods, fill out and submit to the seller a written application for a refund of the money paid for the goods (hereinafter referred to as the Application) in the office at the address:Address Moscow, st. Godovikova, 9, building 31, floor 4.
  • To complete the Application, you must have a passport proving your identity and a document confirming payment for the goods.
  • In case of payment for goods by bank cardOh, you must have the bank card with you that was used to pay for the goods.
  • Refunds are made within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Application by the seller.

2. For buyers – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

  • Within the period established by the contract, send to the seller a request for the return of goods in connection with identified deficiencies or violations by the Seller of the terms of the contract.
  • On the date agreed with the seller, return the goods to the seller at the address:Address Moscow, st. Godovikova, 9, building 31, floor 4.
  • On the day of returning the goods, send the seller a request for a refund of the money paid for the goods.
  • Refunds are made within 7 days from the date the seller receives the request to return the goods.