History of the herbal liqueur Fernet Branca

История травяного ликера Фернет-Бранка

This unusual drink attracts attention with its beautiful caramel shade and bright taste. Liquor connoisseurs note notes of menthol, aromatic herbs and aromatic oils in it. Some claim that Fernet-Branca has healing properties, others consider it simply a delicious alcohol. Let's take a closer look at this original product!

History of creation

The inventor of the drink is considered to be the Italian Count Bernardino Branca. In the mid-19th century, he introduced the world to a bitter liqueur based on aromatic herbs and spices. The Count claimed that his brainchild was an elixir of vitality, and its real creator was the legendary Swedish chemist, Dr. Fernet. Branca and his business partners advertised their product as a cure for stomach ailments, various nervous disorders, and even cholera.

Bernardino's son died young, but production did not stop. The count's widow, Maria Scala Branca, went into business on her own and continued to trade Fernet-Branca throughout Europe.

Features of the production of Fernet liqueur

The drink is believed to be prepared from 27 natural roots, herbs and flowers . Some of the plant ingredients are boiled, then left to infuse for a month. Other herbs are sent to a cold centrifuge. The finished plant material is mixed with brandy and aged for 20 days, after which it is poured into oak barrels. The liquor base stays there for a year. This treatment enhances the aroma of the drink and gives it a characteristic reddish-brown hue.


The head of the company, Fratelli Branca, does not hide the composition of his famous product.

The basis is made up of herbal ingredients, including:

  • aloe ferox;
  • saffron;
  • chamomile;
  • gentian;
  • myrrh;
  • laurel;
  • cardamom;
  • cinchona oil;
  • bitter orange;
  • cornflower;
  • peppermint oil;
  • orris root.

But only Niccolò Branca di Romanico, the current CEO of the company, knows the full recipe. He purchases the five secret ingredients himself and mixes them indoors.

Nuances of taste

Fernet belongs to the category of drinks called amaro in Italy. These are bitters based on herbs . This group also includes Campari, Cynar and Amaro Montenegro. But the alcohol content in Fernet Branca is much higher - 40-45%.

Fratelli Branca recommends drinking the liqueur undiluted, taking three slow sips. The first sip feels like a challenge, the second - like intrigue, the third - incredible pleasure.

For people trying Fernet for the first time, the taste is dominated by minty freshness and bitterness, reminiscent of a cough medicine. But already from the second sip the herbal bouquet reveals itself. The richness of the flavor profile allows fernet to be used in various cocktails. Bartenders call it a cocktail chameleon. Combined with a variety of ingredients, Fernet Branca creates harmony in various flavor combinations.

Popular brands producing Fernet


The main rights to produce the drink belong to the descendants of Count Branca. In addition to Italy, bitter liqueur is produced in the USA, Czech Republic, and South America.

Italian producers of Fernet

The parent company is the Italian distillery Fratelli Branca, operating in Milan. It belongs to the Branca family, descendants of the inventor of the liqueur. Raw materials for production are delivered from four continents. The brand's products can be recognized by its logo in the form of an eagle on a globe.

Milan-based Branca International operates three spirits companies, including fernet - the historic Fratelli Branca distillery, the Argentine brand Fratelli Branca Destilerias and Branca USA Inc. in NYC.

The original liqueur from Italy is famous for its highest strength and pronounced bitter taste. American versions of the drink do not exceed 40% alcohol content and have a noticeable sweet taste.

Fernet from the Czech Republic: traditions and diversity

The Czech herbal liqueur is produced at a distillery in the village of Bozkovo near Pilsen. The patent belongs to Fernet Stock. The drink is made from 14 herbs, most of which grow in the Alps and the Mediterranean.

The founder of the Czech brand was the Italian Lionello Stock. In 1884, he opened a distillery in the Italian city of Trieste. The main product was cognac. Towards the end of the First World War, Stock decided to move production to Czech Bohemia. It was then that the distillery was founded in Bozkov.

Since 1927, it began producing fernet. According to the strength of his mouthfalls below the Italian product, since the alcohol content does not exceed 40%. Fernet Stock also produces a citrus variety that contains only 30% alcohol.

How to drink Fernet liqueur

“How to drink”/

Spicy alcohol is usually consumed after dinner, as a digestif, neat or with ice. Cooling enhances the taste and aroma of the drink. It is served in narrow cordial glasses with a volume of 50-80 ml.

Those who prefer more sweetness mix Fernet Branca with cola. Pour 50 ml of liqueur into a tall glass, add 120 ml of cola, add ice. The edge of the glass is decorated with a slice of lemon. You can use lemon-lime soda instead of cola.

Another popular way to consume it is with ginger beer. In a shaker with ice, mix 30 ml of fernet, 2 tablespoons of lime juice, add 100 ml of ginger beer. Served in a highball glass garnished with a slice of lime.

The bitterness of the liqueur goes well with a variety of drinks, including rye whiskey, gin, vermouth, and rum. Taking advantage of this property, bartenders add fernet to a variety of cocktails, including:

  • Prophet in Plain Clothes – made with Laphroaig malt whiskey, Islay scotch and vermouth;
  • Hanky-Panky - consists of equal proportions of gin and sweet vermouth, topped with ice. Served in a tall glass garnished with a sprig of mint;
  • Chef's Kiss - Mix equal amounts of yellow chartreuse and lime juice, topped with Demerara syrup.

The volume of liquor in a serving of any cocktail should not exceed 2 tablespoons , otherwise the bitterness will drown out the other flavors.

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