What should a bartender's uniform be?

Какая должна быть униформа у бармена

The appearance of the staff directly reflects all aspects of the work of a catering establishment. Neatness, neatness, cleanliness of the workplace - all these are integral attributes of the work of a bartender.

How he looks, how he feels in the workplace, and how he fits into the overall concept of the establishment directly affects his effective, productive and, of course, profitable work.

Types of uniforms

Bartender uniforms can vary quite a bit. It depends primarily on the format of the institution. The lobby in a five-star hotel requires a suit, even possibly a three-piece, bow tie and arm bands, but in a party cocktail bar the bartender will be dressed in a branded polo and apron.

Let's look at the top three forms of a bartender.

  • Classic.

A classic suit directly reflects the status of the establishment. An ironed shirt, a vest or jacket, trousers, a belt apron , a bow tie, polished classic shoes and of course a brand name badge on the left side just below the lapel of the jacket.

This is the style of a high-ranking establishment. This is a slightly prim, strict chic that guests are immersed in while in the establishment. Typically, bartenders of elite boutique hotels, lobby bars or theme clubs dress in this style.


  • Jackets.

Over the past 5-7 years, bartenders have adopted this attribute of professional clothing from chefs. The jackets in corporate colors, with the bartender's name embroidered, instead of the usual badge, have acquired their characteristic luster. Straight, beveled, elongated. Bartenders, like models, compete in the aesthetics of this clothing attribute. Let's face it, the tunics on the bartenders look very stylish. There are even companies that deal with professional clothing and create jackets, aprons and other tailoring according to the cut, color and concept of the enterprise.

  • Polo+apron.

An acceptable option for establishments with an average price segment and a young age audience. Convenient, practical, and most importantly, easy to do. If a classic suit costs a lot of money for an employer, a jacket also needs to be made to order, then the format of a polo and chest apron is a mass market.


Uniform features for bartenders

Naturally, any uniform format should first of all be comfortable. A bartender's shift lasts 10, 12, 14 hours, which means that all this time the person will be dressed in this uniform. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering how elastic the material is, how much it allows the body to breathe, and how realistic it is to work in it for many hours. The bartender’s movements should not be constrained by anything; he should be able to move his hands freely, shifting (or even throwing) bottles and items of professional equipment .

Uniform functions for bartenders


Visually, it is important that the staff uniform is synchronized with the overall atmosphere of the enterprise. Well, you must admit, it would be stupid to stand behind the bar in a bowtie with a handbrake in a pub, or, on the contrary, pour expensive whiskey and wine in jeans and a polo. Therefore, aesthetics must be seen in everything. As soon as a guest enters any establishment, his gaze immediately stops at the beautiful bar counter, shiny bottles, polished glasses and, of course, the person who stands in all this decoration. The aesthetic form should help reveal the overall concept of the establishment and fit perfectly into it.



One style – one team.

Firstly, the uniform allows guests to always know who the staff are and who to contact if necessary. This is especially true for large establishments. Secondly, the uniform allows the bartender, waiter, cook, sommelier, and anyone else to feel involved in the work of the team. This is a kind of pattern quality, putting it on, you simply have no chance of making a mistake, because any of your actions can affect the work of the entire team and the entire establishment.


In large hotels, not only all employees, but also each structural unit have their own corporate colors. So the reception and accommodation service wears its own attributes, and the catering service wears its own. This separation allows staff to immediately understand which service they are in contact with. It also determines his involvement and functional responsibilities throughout the enterprise.


By putting on a uniform, a person produces a peculiarritual. And along with the uniform, he assumes official powers. Once the form touches the body, the bartender has no more problems. He will stand at the bar counter. He will smile, be the life of the party, leaving problems, sorrows and misunderstandings in the locker room, along with his things. This is a very important ritual. Sometimes it’s even hard to imagine yourself in a regular T-shirt and jeans at the counter of your favorite bar.

Bartender uniform requirements

Uniform is not only the external and internal state of the bartender, it is a tool that allows you to work effectively. Let's start with the fact that the uniform must meet safety requirements in the workplace. It is forbidden to pin the uniform with needles or pins (after all, they can get into the guest’s drink); the uniform must fit perfectly to the figure, without hindering movement and without excess fabric hanging down. According to etiquette standards and sanitation and hygiene requirements, the employer has the right to ask to remove all jewelry, with the exception of a wedding ring (demonstrating a person’s social status) and a pectoral cross (denoting religious affiliation). All other accessories: earrings, bracelets, necklaces, watches - the employer has the right to ask to be removed during the work process.

The uniform must be made in the corporate colors of the establishment and have a corporate font to indicate the name and position of the employee.

How does a bartender’s appearance influence the concept of an establishment?

Neat, not even so... an ideal looking bartender, as if telling his guests that everything in his establishment is perfect! From his appearance to the mind-blowing cocktails prepared by his hands. It so happens that bartenders are pedants of the industry. They look very good, always in sight, always in an ironed uniform. They managed to form an impression of the ideality of the profession through the prism of external perception. And form, of course, is an indispensable assistant in this process. The corporate identity, color, and badge on each bartender make it clear that the establishment cares not only about its visitors, but also about the staff, and they, in turn, care about the leisure and comfort of each guest.

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