Maintain the trust of guests

Сохранить доверие гостей

The coronavirus pandemic still dominates us and causes a lot of all kinds of worries - both among catering workers and guests. An alarming paranoia continues to spread in society; the government continues to urge the population not to succumb to panic and decadent moods and is trying to cover in detail the situation with the spread of the virus in the media.

At the same time, it is precisely this close attention that sometimes causes even more problems. For example: a member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, Evgeny Fedorov, called restaurants and cafes hotbeds of the spread of coronavirus. It is difficult to deny that such statements from government officials undermine the trust of already intimidated people.


Concerned about the mood of their guests, restaurants, cafes and bars are sensitive to all precautions to prevent the spread of the disease. And this is not only the banal provision of masks, gloves, sanitizers, distance between tables, etc. Restaurateurs willingly agree to comply with many strict recommendations that are entirely voluntary.

For example, to maintain peace and security, many establishments have agreed to introduce a QR code check-in system. Previously, it was introduced in Moscow as a mandatory measure for nightclubs, bars and restaurants operating from midnight to 6 am. Although registering a phone number upon entry takes a few extra minutes, this system is very useful for controlling the spread of disease. Moreover, it warns guests about the threat to their health. So, if one of the visitors is infected with coronavirus, all people who were in the same room with him at that moment will be notified via SMS. Despite the fact that it is not necessary to enter QR codes, restaurateurs continue to actively join this program.

The biggest danger for catering lies precisely in the loss of confidence by guests in their favorite establishments. Therefore, in order to restore this trust, the restaurant industry needs to loudly declare itself as a serious and conscious market player who shows concern for the safety of people. Unfortunately, the only means for this are such seemingly small steps as providing protective equipment and carefully monitoring the cleanliness of the room. However, the external modesty of the measures taken does not in any way reflect their unambiguous importance and benefit.

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