Mixology from scratch

Миксология с нуля

Knowledge and understanding of all components of a cocktail, accurate measurements and improvement of shaking techniques are the basis for developing your own style in mixology. It’s easiest to start learning mixing patterns with simple cocktails, and strict adherence to the recipe helps control the consumption of products.

Twists on the classics

Once you have mastered the basic knowledge, you can start making twists on the classics - these are the first steps towards creating new drinks. By changing the alcoholic bases and key ingredients for equivalent original recipes, you can create unusual variations of familiar cocktails. It’s better to experiment with your colleagues!


Professional mixologists have an excellent understanding of ingredients and masterfully select the best available. To achieve such heights, you need to study many brands, try everything and understand the nuances of tastes, only this will help determine the right proportions. We often hear from our clients that developing balanced drinks that would have the same taste at all points of the chain is not an easy task, and MONIN products are an excellent help in this matter.

Libbey Shorty Pictured: Libbey Shorty series cocktail glass

Kitchen trends

Bartenders benefit from collaborating with chefs. As well as cooks and bartenders. This will allow you to introduce seasonality into the cocktail menu, making the most of local products in drinks, and balancing the combinations of flavors in dishes and cocktails. Your clients will definitely appreciate it if the menu includes a couple of signature cocktails plus a signature dish .

Cocktail menu

Don't try to do everything at once. Original cocktails should not be an end in themselves: it is better to focus on a few drinks and bring them to perfection than to make a hundred mediocre ones: the truly good bar is the one that is exceptional in some way. To get started, you can look for inspiration in our Summer program: it presents all types of drinks in a variety of containers, so you will find not only interesting tastes, but also ideas for serving drinks.

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