Tips for choosing a room for a bar

Советы по выбору помещения для бара

A well-chosen location is the first thing necessary for the successful operation of a bar. An establishment located in a busy part of the city will attract many customers, and with them constant profit. But how to find and prepare a room so that it quickly gains popularity? Get tips from experienced bartenders!

Analysis of your finances

Start preparing by calculating your future expenses. At first, the bar business requires the following costs:

rent – find out the rental prices in the area where you plan to open an establishment. Please note that space in crowded areas is more expensive. Add to this the cost of renovations to the premises;

furniture, decor - include in the estimate the cost of the bar counter, cabinets, tables and chairs for the sales area. Think about what items you use for decoration - for example, lamps , paintings, indoor plants. On average, you will have to spend 50-300 thousand rubles on furnishings;

equipment - check prices for refrigerators, dishes , bar tools , ice makers , cash registers. The list of equipment depends on the theme of your future establishment;

paperwork - licenses for services and the sale of various goods for the operation of a bar also require investment. Allow 30-100 thousand rubles for this expense item;

employee salaries - calculate how many bartenders, cooks, waiters, and cleaners you will need. Depending on the selection of personnel, 150-400 thousand rubles will be spent monthly on salaries.

A consultation with an experienced accountant will help you draw up a financial model of the project.



The most favorable location is in a crowded part of the city near offices, markets, metro stops and public transport. A large number of visitors is guaranteed to establishments in the city center or in residential areas. Many clients happen in the neighborhood of restaurants, hotels, and nightclubs.

It is also important to consider the type of building in which the bar will be opened. Traditionally, establishments located on the first or semi-basement floors with access to a busy street generate more profit. If there is a cafe, club or shopping center in the same building, a new bar will quickly attract attention.


Competition in the bar business has its own specifics. Different catering enterprises, even those located in close proximity, do not interfere with each other’s profit. Customers like to move from a small bar to a restaurant and vice versa. But a preliminary study of competitors is necessary in order to choose the right topic.

The most effective way is to conduct a SWOT analysis, which examines four factors of competitors’ performance:

  • strengths - advantages of location, range of dishes and drinks, reasons why guests come to the bar;
  • weaknesses – shortcomings of location, menu and service, negative reviews from visitors;
  • opportunities - what ways can you achieve advancement, what new trends should be used in your work;
  • threats – negative factors in the field of politics, economics, local conditions.
You can entrust a business consultant with conducting a SWOT analysis.

Decide on the theme of the establishment


In cities, wine, cocktail and beer bars are the most common. Establishments of the first and second types usually serve as places for noisy entertainment - concerts, discos, advertising events. For these purposes, the room is equipped with a stage, dance floor, and DJ console. There should be parking nearby for private cars and taxis. In addition to drinks, gourmet snacks, hot dishes and desserts are served. Based on the concept, cocktail and wine bars generate more income in the inner cities.

Beer bars are distinguished by an atmosphere of intimacy and calm conversations. Bright decoration and loud music are not required here. Often well-known beer establishments practice logging in using a password or through a “secret entrance”. The most convenient place for them is residential areas, where people prefer to relax after work.

There are also grill bars where the focus is on food rather than drinks. In big citiesx Smoothie bars are popular, offering cocktails, desserts and light snacks.

Having decided on the concept, you can easily choose a theme - football, biker, music. The design of the room, assortment of drinks and snacks are determined accordingly.

Repair and communications

First check whether the room has a technologically correctly located kitchen, running water, and the condition of the electrical wiring.

Bar refrigerators, ice makers and coffee machines require a 380 V network. According to sanitary standards, the premises must have a sewerage system and a ventilation system.

If these systems are not available, you will have to install them yourself, and this will significantly increase the cost of repairs. Only cosmetic repairs will have to be made to the equipped premises. It will cost 50-70 thousand rubles.

Review the lease agreement

Before you sign a contract with the landlord, negotiate all the terms, including:

  • amount and terms of payment;
  • amount of the security deposit;
  • possibilities of rental holidays;
  • condition of the premises;
  • responsibility for major and current repairs;
  • equipment rental conditions;
  • Payment of utility services.

The terms and conditions must be included in the text of the document. If they are described inaccurately, the contract is considered invalid.


Make sure that the landlord actually owns the premises. You can check this by ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. If the document is signed by the landlord's authorized representative, make sure that he has a power of attorney certified by a notary.

If you do not have experience hiring business premises, have an experienced attorney review the documents. For long-term lease of large areas, it is recommended to have the contract certified by a notary.

Study the history of the premises

Before concluding a lease agreement, you should check the technical and legal condition of the property. See if the redevelopment is indicated in the technical passport. Some internal renovations may be an obstacle to opening a bar. Make sure that the landlord has permission to commission and conduct construction if the premises are located in an unfinished building. Also check the status of the building - whether it is recognized as a historical and cultural value or an emergency facility.

Find out who is the legal owner of the premises, and whether it is shared ownership of several persons. The Rosreestr website will help determine whether there are any encumbrances on the property or whether it is mortgaged.

Explore the nearby area to see if there are any educational or medical institutions within 100 m of the future bar. This neighborhood imposes restrictions on the sale of alcohol.

Assess the state of communications

In addition to running water, electricity and sewerage, a bar needs a good ventilation system. The hood should have access to the roof, especially if hot dishes are prepared in the kitchen.

When renting a basement or room with a low ceiling, find out if you can install air conditioning there. When checking the condition of the electrical wiring, make sure that it allows you to make a sufficient number of sockets for the equipment and decoration of the hall. Important elements of a modern bar are Internet access, fire alarms and video surveillance installation.

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