TOP 10 strongest beers

ТОП-10 самых крепких сортов пива

Brewing is an area of constant competition and the desire for novelty. In the struggle for the love of customers, producers of the foamy drink tirelessly create new flavors. Famous companies compete for the honor of topping the “Top Ten Strongest Beers in the World” rating. Let's look at this list and find out the quality of unusual varieties.

What is the strength of beer?

Each alcoholic drink is prepared using standard technology. When creating new recipes, manufacturers can make additions. But the traditional cooking process should not change radically.

Beer is a product brewed from grain crops, most often malted barley. During fermentation, the starches and sugars contained in the wort are converted into alcohol and carbonate the liquid. Hops are often added to add a spicy bitterness.

On average, the strength of beer produced using the standard method is 11%. Some varieties reach 14-15%. In Russia the maximum is 10%. To “raise the strength” above this level, brewers use alcohol fortification or distillation by freezing. Such drinks first appeared in the late 80s, when Scottish and German breweries launched an unspoken competition: “Who can make it stronger?”

From the point of view of traditional technologies, products created by the method of fastening and freezing are not real beer. But they are included in the list of the ten strongest varieties.

Brewmeister Snake Venom


Its name translates as “brewer’s snake venom.” The irony of the creators reflects the incredible strength of the drink - 67.5%. To achieve this result, Scottish brewers used various technological tricks - smoking peat malt, adding two types of yeast, and repeated freezing during fermentation. The product is amazingly smooth and retains the flavor profile of the beer. It has a pronounced hop aroma, malt bitterness, and is full of gas bubbles. One bottle of Snake Venom costs over 6,000 rubles. The drink is often used in cocktails instead of whiskey.

Brewdog Strength in Numbers

This variety is produced by two popular breweries, Schorschbräu Brewery and BrewDog. For more than ten years they competed for the title of creator of the world's strongest beer. The struggle ended with a peaceful decision to work together. The result of the collaboration was a product called Strength in Numbers. Its alcohol content is 57.8%. The drink is prepared using the Eisbock method, in which the wort is frozen and then cleared of ice. This procedure significantly increases the alcohol concentration. The mixture is also further fortified with ale aged in whiskey barrels for 10 years.
So far, only a few bottles of unusual beer have been put up for sale at a price of $40 per 50 ml. They sold out within a couple of hours of the announcement.

Brewmeister Armageddon

This variety is made from crystal malt, oat flakes, wheat and the purest water from the springs of Scotland. Innovative technologies are not used in preparation, just standard brewing with good whiskey. The product amazes not only with its 65% strength, but also with its rich taste, in which beer notes are combined with the sweetness of whiskey. The average price of Armageddon starts from 5,000 rubles per bottle.

Koelschip Start the Future

A little less strong than the Scottish beers, a beer called “Start the Future”, created by a small Dutch brewery. The wort for it is prepared in the standard way from water, malt, hops and yeast. This is usually how a traditional drink with an alcohol content of 9-14% is obtained. But then the liquid is frozen out according to the icebock principle and subjected to fastening. The result is a pale yellow, still beer with a thick consistency. Fans of traditional foamy drinks will not like the sweet-tart taste of Start the Future with a soapy aftertaste and hints of black pepper. The authors of the variety object that it was created not for the sake of improving taste, but for the sake of experimentation. The strength is 60 degrees, so it is recommended to drink the product in small doses. The price for a 330 ml bottle is about $46.

Schorschbrau Schorschbock 57


The famous German brewery Schorschbrau usually produces products with an alcohol content of 13-16%, but they have created a limited edition worthy of a place in the world's top strongest beers. The alcohol content of Schorschbock 57 is 57%. Experts compare this variety to a storm in a beer glass, with a powerful aroma.
The drink has a beautiful dark amber color and a heavy, oily texture. The scorching taste contains hints of whiskey. The release of the variety is limited, which determines the high price - 300 todollars for 400 ml.

Rock Bottom Campell Beer PT's Punch

Sixth place in the ranking is rightfully occupied by a product of a Californian brewery under the modest name “Beer Punch”. This delicious ale, infused with guava, orange and passion fruit, contains 56% alcohol. Compared to European strong varieties, it is much easier to drink. Experts note a pleasant bitter taste and a fresh aroma with floral notes.
Unlike other experimental products, California strong beer can be purchased in online stores by pre-order.

BrewDog End Of History


Another product of the Scottish brand BrewDog amazes the imagination even with its appearance. Each bottle is packaged in a stuffed real squirrel, with the neck sticking out of the animal's mouth. The contents of the extravagant packaging are made using innovative technologies. At its core, End of History is a freeze-fortified Belgian pale ale.
Alcohol content is 55%. Connoisseurs claim that the drink is distinguished by the flavors of mead, juniper berries and nettles. It is impossible to find it in regular stores. The experimental release consists of only 12 bottles, each costing $780.

Schorschbrau Schorschbock 43

Compared to the undisputed champion Schorschbock 57, created by the same German microbrewery, this drink seems more complex in taste. It is popular among non-carbonated beer lovers. The dark amber color looks very seductive in glasses . The taste reveals notes of nuts, passion fruit, tobacco and leather. The alcohol content, as the name of the variety indicates, is 43%. Prices start at $200 per bottle.

Spirit of Noel

The drink called “The Spirit of Christmas” was introduced by the Italian brewery Baladin in 2002. The beer wort was created with two types of yeast, then aged in oak barrels for more than three years. Thanks to this, the product acquired some of the properties of wine and a strength of 40 degrees. Despite the high alcohol content, it is easy to drink. The taste reveals notes of chocolate, nuts, caramel and cookies.

Struise Black Damnation VI – Messy

This is a classic stout made with the addition of alcohol. It is aged in oak barrels, giving it a dark color and texture reminiscent of whiskey. The taste of Struise Black Damnation VI has notes of dark chocolate and coffee. The strength of the drink is 39 degrees. It is produced by a Belgian brewery in limited editions, so it is not cheap - from $23 per bottle.

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