A guide for bartenders, or how to mix drinks. Part 2

Руководство для барменов, или как смешивать напитки. Часть 2

Chapter 44
How to open bottles of mineral water.

I would like to make a few comments about uncorking bottles of mineral water, since there have been many cases when, while performing this simple operation, people lost their sight, injured their fingers and received other injuries. You can avoid such incidents if you follow simple rules.
Bottles of mineral water or carbonated drinks should be stored at a fairly low temperature. If kept in a warm room, they may explode when opened. If you still have to open a warm bottle, the corkscrew should be screwed into it very carefully, and the neck should be wrapped with a large napkin or towel so that in the event of an explosion you will not be injured by glass fragments.

Chapter 45
Serving and serving drinks.

When a bartender receives an order to bring drinks directly to the table, he should place bottles, ice water and glasses on a tray and serve them to guests so they can serve themselves. If the establishment has adopted a check system, then the check should also be placed on a tray . In the absence of such a system, the bartender needs to make a note in his book about the amount of the order in order to subsequently avoid disagreements with customers. And in any case, it is advisable for the cashier or accountant to write down the amount ordered on a special board or sheet of paper, especially if he sees a visitor to the establishment for the first time.
In a restaurant, salon or hotel, where bartenders do not serve customers directly at their tables, it is advisable to have small transparent decanters filled with the required contents for transfer to guests through waiters. This prevents the waiter from possibly replacing the bottle. However, if the guest insists on being served, say, whiskey or liquor in a bottle, his request should be granted.

Eyes 46
Features of working with red wines.

Bottles of red wine should be stored at a temperature of 15 - 20 C in a horizontal position. When opening, avoid shaking, as sediment present in the bottles can mix with the wine and make it cloudy. All the best red wines should be handled with particular care. If the room is cool enough, the bartender should place the bottle in warm water or heat the glass with warm steam to bring the wine to the desired temperature, which improves its taste. I recommend keeping as large a stock of red wines as possible (subject to their demand, of course), since some require quite a long time to calm down and recover from the jolt of the road. Forget about removing dust from the bottles - this will lead to more shaking and swirling of the wine. In addition, dust on the bottles is proof of their venerable age and proper storage conditions.
Red wines should be served in special glasses designed specifically for them. People who drink expensive alcoholic beverages always admire expensive dishes made of fine crystal.
A red wine storage room should be large enough to meet business requirements and hold several days' worth of stock. As it is sold, new bottles are placed in the vacated spaces to give the wine time to calm down.

Chapter 47
On the storage of mineral water.

Mineral water bottles should be stored in a cool place. The optimal temperature is 3 - 10 degrees above zero. Warm seltzer siphons should not be placed directly on ice or in ice water as this may cause an explosion. Mineral water should not be exposed to sudden changes in temperature; it should be cooled gradually.

Chapter 48
Free lunches for regular visitors.

If you have introduced them into the practice of your establishment, make it a rule to offer your guests a smaller amount of food, but of better quality. A good host always keeps plates of cheese and crackers on the counter—some people can't drink without snacking. For the bar owner, the expense is small, but visitors are pleased with such attention. A complete meal should be served in small portions as needed. Sandwiches should be covered with glass plates or napkins to keep them fresh and attractive. If business demands force the owner to provide a large number of free lunches, he should hire a special employee who has experience in cutting food carefully and economically. He must also monitor the condition of the lunch counter, keep it in order and monitor visitors. For example, if a guest eats with his hands, you should remind him about the fork, but make the remark very gently and correctThis is important so as not to offend the gentleman who may have simply forgotten about this device. Unfortunately, rudeness is common on both sides of the counter. The appearance of the lunch server is also very important. Such an employee must be clean, tidy and touch the food served as little as possible. His responsibilities also include keeping plates and glassware clean and removing crumbs from tables.
Instead of having towels hanging from the counter, it is preferable to have small, clean napkins. Towels have fallen out of use because most men have no sense of decency: they use the same towel, wiping their fingers, mouth, smoothing their mustache, that is, performing a “half-toilet” of their appearance.
The tables on which lunch is served must be immaculately clean, the floor free of crumbs and food debris. Otherwise, your best regular visitors will leave you feeling disgusted due to the lack of cleanliness, order and comfort.

Chapter 49
How to work with ale and porter in barrels.

It is advisable to arrange a special compartment in the storage room, intended only for these types of beer, so that there is no confusion. It is desirable that this compartment be located as close as possible to the bottling point, because the shorter the beer delivery tubes, the better for malt drinks. And vice versa, the longer they are, the more foreign odor they will introduce. It is very important that the pipes that carry the beer from the cask to the bar are in perfect working order and clean. These conditions are a must if you want to serve your guests a fresh drink without losing a drop due to malfunctions.
Brewers provide establishment owners who purchase their products with the patented taps and valves needed to dispense their beer . But they require you to return them if you decide to change supplier. I recommend having your own set of valves and taps to be free from such obligations.

Book by Harry Johnson.
Translation: Alexey Shaposhnikov /BARNEWS/

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