Advice from Yaroslav Panov

Советы Ярослава Панова

Is it worth storing mint for future use, how to properly prepare ice and fold napkins, when to use freshly squeezed juice and when to use fruit puree, Yaroslav Panov, vice-president of the St. Petersburg Bartenders Association, told BARNEWS.

How to store mint.

For many years I have followed the rule: in order for the mint in a bag to last for a long time, it is better not to open it at all. The fact is that in the original packaging the mint is in a special preservative gas. It is stored in it for a long time, and it is not necessary to place it in the refrigerator. You need mint - he stuck his hand into the bag, took a bunch and quickly closed it again. Therefore, you need to buy exactly as much as you plan to use in your work. Most often, mint is purchased for Mojito. Experience has shown that it is effective to store it in airtight containers. Place mint and lime slices in a glass and seal tightly with another. Collins are ideal for these purposes. In this form, the mint will last the entire shift and will not lose its properties. Store in the refrigerator, in wet towels, etc. does not lead to anything good. Verified. If you have a choice, it is better to take Israeli mint.

Fold napkins correctly.

It is optimal for them to lie with the fold towards the bartender. Then, when you press on top of the stack, the napkins bend in such a way that taking the required amount is a mere trifle. If they lie on the other side, it is difficult to grab the required amount and the edge of one of the napkins will definitely hang like a silent reproach.

Ice storage.

Problems with ice usually happen when you make it in advance and store it in the freezer. To avoid getting a man-made iceberg, ice from the ice maker should be placed in tight bags and placed in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all excess water will evaporate or freeze. Then take out the bag and hit it on a hard surface so that the ice crumbles. Then feel free to put it back in the freezer and use it without headaches!

Fresh or ready-made fruit puree.

Of course, it is better to use fresh juices in cocktails - with them the drinks are brighter in both taste and aroma. There are no problems with citrus fresh fruits - they are easy to prepare at the counter; limes, oranges, and grapefruits are available in any bar. But it’s difficult to get decent freshly squeezed mango or, for example, passion fruit juice in Russia: try to find here, for example, good quality papaya. And here fruit purees come to the rescue. This is usually concentrated pulp with juice in frozen form. Before changing, you need to defrost the required amount of puree and pour it into a premix bottle. This way, you will always have any exotic taste at your fingertips.

Source: BARNEWS magazine.

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