Bar trends 2023

Барные тренды 2023

Every year, trends in any industry undergo changes. People's worldviews change, world trends change, and, naturally, this whole range of changes brings certain fashion trends into our lives - the bar world is no exception.

Classics broaden your horizons

Trends in the bar industry originate in classic cocktails, naturally with modern interpretations. The technologies that are available to today's bartenders open up new perspectives and opportunities in mixing drinks, so the number of twists on the classics is increasing every year.

Multi-format, locality and gastronomic bars

Gastronomic bars

The use of local products in drinks and dishes is not only a trend, but also a production necessity. At a time when supply chains have undergone enormous changes, parallel imports have appeared, and some items have completely left the Russian market, the demand for local products has increased significantly. A huge number of options have appeared for mixing, infusing, distilling, texturing such familiar and understandable berries as viburnum, cloudberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries and others. After all, seasonal and local products are not only “tasty”, but also very convenient for business.

Gastronomic bars have been penetrating the ranks of Russian establishments for several years now; an interesting topic is the collaboration of dishes and drinks. This is some kind of food pairing, only in a larger format. Such establishments allow guests not only to enjoy drinks, but also to try dishes from famous chefs. This is a kind of restaurant message, only in a more modest interpretation.

Transparency is no longer a trend

Just two years ago, the fashion for clear drinks reached its peak. Today the trend is gradually fading into the background, giving way to new solutions. The main idea of transparent drinks was a kind of visual deception of their senses of perception, when guests saw ordinary water in a glass, but at the first sip their taste buds were immersed in a variety of incredible flavor combinations. Clear drinks can still be found quite often in bars today.

Virtual bars and online corporate events

This cannot be said to be a top trend, but there is a certain demand for such services. Online corporate events appeared during the pandemic, when the whole world lived on Zoom. The essence of virtual bars is that each participant in the event receives a package with the necessary minimum equipment, then a conference is created, and in the format of an online broadcast, a professional bartender conducts a master class on creating drinks at home or in the office.

The trend is relevant for those who work remotely, and management sincerely wants to unite the team even in an online format.

Low-alcohol cocktail trend

Low alcohol cocktails

Every year more and more people think about their health, the popularization of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is broadcast in all sources of information. Consequently, alcohol consumption is becoming more and more moderate. The essence of the trend is to make unique cocktails that are rich in flavor and aroma profile, but contain little or no alcohol. That is why many brands began to produce cordials , non-alcoholic wine and other substitutes, clearly falling into the flow of the industry.

It is important to understand that low-alcohol or non-alcoholic cocktails are not just lemonades, they are full-fledged drinks, often with a complex composition, they simply bring gastronomic pleasure without stupefying the mind.

Return to the classics and low strength

Most of the classic cocktails were created in the 20th century, each of them can be found on the website of the international bartenders association, and their number has already exceeded 90 items. Classics are a kind of alphabet in the world of mixed drinks; they are carefully preserved recipes of famous bartenders that have survived to this day. Every bartender knows, loves and respects at least half of these cocktails. And every decade, the fashion, trend, vibe for certain mixed drinks from this list changes. In 2023, the classic acquired a molecular and gastronomic profile.

Themed bars

Bottle juggling and TikTok


Flairing has always delighted and attracted attention, because when a bartender skillfully juggles bottles , deftly tosses a shaker and pours drinks in a huge stream, it is undoubtedly mesmerizing. With the trend of short video clips on social networks, flaring has again received a wave of popularity.tee. Experienced bartenders make educational, entertaining and simply beautiful videos with bottles, bar tricks and the beauty and aesthetics of working behind the bar.

Cocktails for takeaway and delivery

Take away in the world of coffee will no longer surprise anyone, but what about cocktails? Ready-made formulas, in frozen, dry or liquid formats, have burst onto the industry market and are sticking around well. Delivering cocktails directly to your home has gained popularity as consumer demand has shifted. Seeing bright videos on social networks about easy and quick preparation of beautiful cocktails, potential consumers want to repeat the trend. Well, since there is demand, supply will not keep you waiting.

In the summer, cocktails of various types can be found in transparent plastic cups , and in the colder seasons, instead of coffee or cocoa, a person may have classic mulled wine or designer eggnog in their hands.

Chemistry lessons

Everything new is well forgotten old. Molecular mixology is no exception. The first peak in popularity of molecular cocktails took place in the 2000s. Bartenders prepared caviar from vodka, spaghetti from liqueurs and spheres from gin. In 2023, molecular drinks are popular again, but with a slightly different interpretation.

The peculiarity of such cocktails is the change in the shape, texture and visual perception of the drinks. For example, a guest orders a pina colada, and they bring him a fried egg, where the white base is a mixture of coconut milk and rum, and the yolk is a delicate sphere of pineapple and mango. By preserving the amazing taste of the famous cocktail, adding several chemical elements (absolutely safe for health) and food coloring, you can create bright emotions.

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