How to earn more

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We often hear talk about our profession as a calling. Like, you don’t need anything in life except to knead something at the counter. And, mind you, not for the sake of money, but because I just like this fuss.

Some time passes, you meet the bartender who spoke all such lofty words, and he is again looking for work. The reason why he stopped liking the great bar where the highly moral, unmercenary person worked is most often banal: the earnings are not high enough.

Under capitalism, the material almost always wins over the spiritual. Observing the whole world in your own navel, of course, is pleasant. But I want to eat. And the temperature around the body with the navel should be comfortable. A barrier between the rain and the surface of the body is also necessary. Preferably fashionable. We need money, that is. And more.

How can we earn money so that we have everything, but we don’t have to pay anything for it? Unfortunately, the Russian restaurant business mainly works with accounting systems that are not far removed from those of the USSR. In this Soviet Union, we learned to steal very well. This is what the majority of bartenders still do. But no matter how tight the rope is, they will still... fire you. And again you need to look for a good place to work. Wasting time means wasting money. And they can also be punished seriously for theft. Scary!

The most pleasant time of work is where the pay is generous and stable, they don’t offend you, the climate and people in the team are good. That is, you earn great money and there is no need to steal. It’s just difficult to get a job in such a place. After all, if it’s so good there, then no one quits. The surest way to find a job that suits you is to open your own bar. That's where you do what you want.
But that's another story. And not entirely simple. How to make it work well where fate has decided at the moment? Let's think logically. What interests a business owner first and foremost? Profit. Who earns him this money? People. If one of these people proves that they can bring in more profit, the bar owner will begin to perceive him as a very valuable person to his business.

Of course, the owners (they are people too) are different. Someone, for example, pretends that he pays well, and the bartender pretends that he doesn’t steal. And everyone seems to be happy with everything. But, having somehow found out about the true extent of the theft, the business owner grabs his head and decides... To fire everyone! Assuming such a development of the plot, the smart bartender looks in advance for an alternate airfield, that is, a new place of work. A person in our country has complete freedom to say goodbye to his employer and go to someone who suits him better. But what to do if you’re already tired of jumping from place to place? How to find a good boss?

Or maybe they don’t look for good from good and you need to try to become a good worker yourself? By hiring you, the bar owner is relying on your knowledge and skills. If you have demonstrated your ability to increase sales and develop a regular clientele, your boss is yours. You cannot fire an employee who has a lot of guests. They have proven their worth - we can talk about the price. After all, when a bartender sells for three other, incompetent ones, even the most greedy owner will agree to pay him, the smart one, at least as much as two. And if this bartender also helps the waiters, changes light bulbs, carries boxes... A very good worker.

There is such a great principle: if you want to become the main one, become indispensable. The best employee for the owner is the one who brings the best results. And there are very few such bartenders in Russia. Therefore, if you want to become highly paid, you must first become highly qualified and learn to sell your skills at a high price, bringing results to the owner of the establishment.

The restaurant business in our country is developing, competition is getting stronger. And, consequently, those who help the owner win in this competitive struggle increase in price. So, study, study and study... And then sell at a high price.

Editor-in-Chief Sergei Tsyro.
BARNEWS #1 2011.

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