About sugar bowls

Many people prefer to drink tea or coffee with added sugar. In order to give them the opportunity to pamper themselves with sweetened hot drinks in a cafe or restaurant, sugar bowls are always served. In some restaurants they are initially on the table, and the visitor can immediately add sugar to the tea; in others, the sugar bowl is brought along with the teapot and cup. There are cafes that serve small tongs with the sugar bowl to make it easier to put in the sugar.

Each establishment chooses its own type of sugar bowl: somewhere the sugar bowl will have a dispenser, somewhere it will be in the form of a small bowl with or without a lid, from where the visitor will take the sugar with a spoon or tongs.

Various manufacturers create sugar bowls of various designs, which will allow you to choose one that perfectly matches the rest of the table setting. The main materials are porcelain, glass and steel. Many factories that produce porcelain create in their collections not only plates and salad bowls, but also sugar bowls, this makes it possible to keep all the dishes in the same style.
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