Crystal glasses


The choice of glasses is very large: they differ in shape, color, purpose and material.

Crystal glasses are distinguished by their thinnest walls, diamond shine and lingering ringing sound. Crystal is a fairly durable material; it is very difficult to scratch. But then it breaks instantly, scattering into a huge number of small fragments. In addition, the crystal contains lead, which gives the crystal a special color and sound. There is a modern and safe analogue of crystal - crystal glass. It does not contain lead impurities, replacing it with barium or alternative substances. At the same time, crystal glass combines the best qualities of both crystal and glass.

Many sommeliers debate which glasses are best for wine tasting. The argument in favor of glass glasses is transparency. Glass has no impurities and does not distort the color of the drink. But modern crystal wine glasses and crystal glass glasses have virtually no tint, and handmade and more delicate work has a positive effect on the taste of the drink.

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